A Pastel Moment & Talking About My New Obsession
hello, first outfit post of the year!
first off, huge apologies for the slightly grainy, squinty-eyed phone pics. these were actually from a few months ago when john and i were asked to serve as godparents to his cousin’s son’s (wow) confirmation in school. i never imagined i’d be asked to fill such a role honestly; i still remember my confirmation in 5th grade, and the godparents we picked back then seemed to have their life figured out waaay more than i do now. lol.
anyway, it was a very early day for us and i realized, to my horror, that i hadn’t prepared an outfit — not even in the recesses of my brain — for the event. after staring into the depths of my closet for a few minutes, however, i just knew: i had to wear this wonderfully pastel yellow, scallop-trimmed blazer i thrifted last year and hadn’t yet worn. i paired it with some levi’s, comfy heels, and a t-shirt bodysuit to complete the look. although it was the epitome of simple women’s casual wear, i felt très cute in my little pastel outfit.
i’ve actually been pretty obsessed with bodysuits lately (i know, i’m like eight years late to the party). i just throw them on with a pair of high-waisted jeans or a cute midi skirt, and instantly feel super put-together.
in fact, soon after wearing my first-ever bodysuit last year and immediately falling in love, i bought another handful of them in different colors — so i now have a small collection of them. i’ve even spent a bit of time online looking for the best brands of bodysuits out there, and came across SKIMS, the trendy undergarments brand by kim kardashian. apparently they sell out of their most popular designs in just minutes after every restock! color me intrigued.
not gonna lie, i was hesitant at first. i thought there wasn’t possibly anything i could want from the site (kim and i don’t exactly have a lot in common, sartorially or otherwise). but a quick browse proved me so wrong. i actually kinda really want everything? from their high-waisted satin briefs to all the comfy looking bralettes…and of course, right down to their amazing, skin-toned bodysuits that come in every shape and size you can imagine. i love the variety and inclusivity of them — and it doesn’t hurt that they function as shapewear, too!
gucci interlocking g crossbody | bodysuit & necklaces from shopee

have any of you purchased from SKIMS yet? i’d love to know what you think of the quality, fit, and everything! i am seriously considering placing a big order with a sampling of their various products…if only i can get ahead of everyone else at the next restock!
February 14, 2020 at 1:58 am
I love you outfit combo for your first outfit of the year, all the pieces match well!
February 14, 2020 at 1:59 am
Skims is fantastic! Great idea for a Valentines Day gift to that special someone this year.
February 14, 2020 at 5:19 am
Super helpful information! Thank you!
February 15, 2020 at 10:30 am
The skims call was the right call for Valentine’s day!