Why Are You Keeping This Curiosity Door Locked?
outfit details: dorothy perkins sweater | bb dakota midi skirt | converse chuck taylors |
juicy couture bag
photos by john
it frustrates me sometimes to browse online and find everyone to be looking exactly the same–young girls wearing the same trends of the last couple of years and pouting their lips to the tune of the latest it lipstick. now don’t get me wrong; i have never been opposed to trends and understand it to be an unchangeable facet of reality. however, living in a cookie-cutter world does not exactly spark inspiration and instead, it leaves me disinterested in styles that i would otherwise be curious to try. case in point: it took me a while to warm up to the choker trend of now (i belong to the group that sported the accessory in the 90’s), not because i don’t find it cute or whatever, but simply because it. is. everywhere.
but then i thought, well, why am i letting this stop me from trying new things and sporting the occasional ~trendy~ item? at the end of the day i know i can still put my own spin to a look and not become just another foot soldier in the ever-marching trend army. while i do still wish people would expand their horizons and not get sucked into everything that is current or prevalent, i know i can only change my own outlook and the way with which i make these decisions — trivial as it may all seem. so yes, i am glad i bit the bullet with the choker trend. i have grown to like it quite a bit and wear one around my neck when the unshakeable 90’s mood strikes (you know what i’m talking about).
the title is a quote from one of my favorite scenes in TV history. kudos to those who recognize it straight off the bat.
September 19, 2016 at 10:36 pm
Um one of the best quotes in Stranger Things. Actually everything Dustin says is the best.
I’m with you on the choker (and trends in general) thing, I resisted for a long time as well. It’s also just a bit frustrating that we’re back at the 90s and we’re stuck there for so long, like I’d like to see some other/newer stuff happening and keeping fashion interesting. Since we are in the “been there, did that” crowd, it’s just not that fresh.
September 28, 2016 at 12:47 am
it’s tiring, to say the least. i always try to find refuge in novelty prints, big skirts and all sorts of froufrou. hah!
also, DUSTIN IS E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. <3
September 26, 2016 at 10:24 pm
I can super relate about getting into the trends nowadays. I haven’t succumbed to the choker trend… yet. The first time i saw someone wear it online, i remembered my schoolmates way back in middle school who sported it and also remembered i never gave it a try. I was more into the butterfly clip na gumagalaw-galaw pagsuot XD haha
and by the way, you look gorg in these photos! no matter how omnipresent this trend has been so far, choker-trend looked so much better on you
September 28, 2016 at 12:48 am
aw thanks clare! i definitely like seeing chokers worn in more nontraditional ways (not that there are many of them, haha). and yes, i too was a fan of all them 90s hair accessories! x