7th Year
in my seventh year of blogging there was an obvious — albeit unintentional — drop in my frequency of posts. for years prior i had put up a blog post every single day, however it gradually became difficult for me to produce the same amount of content to which i had grown accustomed. still, i have loved dressing up and taking photos whenever i could, mostly upon the encouragement and help of my awesome boyfriend john. i honestly do not see myself getting tired of blogging any time soon, and even though i had much fewer posts to choose from, i was able to find some true favourites from the year.
one of the most significant things that i did last year was going blonde: a decision years in the making and one i certainly do not regret. it has been quite the thrill playing around with my new hair colour and exploring the ways in which it affects my style. while i know i will not keep it forever i am happy to look back at all these pictures and remember how much fun i had as a blonde.
anyway, i have made a promise to myself to post more frequently again; perhaps not every day, but frequent nonetheless. thank you all for bearing with me through the sporadic posts, and i hope to see more of you here as i embark on my 8th year in this wonderful journey. ♥
January 26, 2015 at 10:54 pm
Happy 7th, Bestie! Super cute mo! <3
January 27, 2015 at 2:44 am
aww thanks ana beb! x
January 26, 2015 at 11:42 pm
happy 7th year ms.bestie, i love your blog and you too hihihihi (^_^)
January 27, 2015 at 2:44 am
thanks so much!! x
January 28, 2015 at 11:01 pm
beautiful! Fave ko lahat hoho