Parka And A Parked Car
photos by adelle
some of you probably know that i am a big fan of the rain. it brings me ineffable joy and comfort — things that i dearly treasure. but this nonstop downpour is getting so ridiculous. it’s been what, two weeks? and going on third now. i am not one to rant endlessly about the weather but this is really tempting me to go on a diatribe about how the rain has led me to taking photos in the saddest space in front of my apartment .
sweater – le caprice
jeans – c/o giordano
parka – thrifted
backpack – SM
boots – c/o wanted
watch – nixon
August 14, 2012 at 2:03 pm
Hi Bestie! Is the sweater for sale at Le Caprice? Can’t seem to find there the sweater you’re wearing here.
August 14, 2012 at 2:07 pm
not yet; coming very soon! haha. x