..and CANDY ♥s me!
here are a couple of things making me oh-so-giddy these days: CANDY magazine’sdecember issue, and the CANDY STYLE GUIDE.
in the december 2011 ish, i was featured alongside shoe magpie extraordinaire kookie buhain, and we gave some shopping tips and tricks that you can use for the holidays!
next up is THE CANDY STYLE GUIDE, a little handbook-of-sorts for girls to find their personal style. this little guide book is full of helpful tips on how to experiment with different looks and get inspired by your favorite celebrity styles!
there are also a dozen local bloggers featured in the style book, including camille co, laureen uy and patricia prieto – all categorized into various “fashion personalities”. you’ll find ME (still totally stoked to be included!) under INDIE and hopefully i did it justice. heeh. i love love LOVE this little book!
CANDY’s associate fashion editor sam potenciano says: “this book isn’t about forcing you into a pigeonhole or telling you that you have to be one singularly defined thing. it’s about helping you find the tools to grow into the style you love and develop into the fashion superstar that you’re meant to become.”
so be sure to grab a copy of CANDY magazine‘s december issue for only P100 and THE CANDY STYLE GUIDE for P175, available at your favorite bookstores and supermarkets!
and again, a big thanksss to CANDY for all the luuurve!
December 13, 2011 at 10:44 pm
Love knowing that your part of the Candy Style Guide. I'm more determined to buy one now knowing you're in it.
December 13, 2011 at 10:59 pm
I already have the Candy Dec ish, but now that I know you're in the Style Guide, as well, I'm definitely getting that one, too