Drink Up and Vote!
just a brief break from my fashion shenanigans. (;
i covered the media launch of the new 7-eleven campaign for the may 2010 elections. their “gulp cups” will now bear the faces of our 10 presidentiables (to those not living in the philippines, yes, we have 10 candidates for the country’s highest post! — as ridiculous as that is. hah).
when a customer buys a drink, s/he can choose which candidate to “vote” for. the vote will be recorded using the barcode, then tallied, and the final results will be released in may, just a few days before the actual elections.
7-eleven has actually done this in the united states’ last 3 elections, but it is the first time here.
this is, of course, by no means a scientific or accurate process, as people can vote as many times as they want, even minors or those not registered to vote.
but lookie how fun! i find the designs incredibly adorable. the top 5 candidates have their own cups:
noynoy aquino
joseph estrada
richard gordon
gibo teodoro
manny villar
the other 5 candidates were sorta squashed into one cup, including an option to “abstain” from voting:

the main goal of the campaign is to excite the voting public about the elections. hey, it worked on me! haha.
March 4, 2010 at 2:11 am
oh wow.. that's really a neat idea. but kinda weird since i agree when you mentioned that even minors will end up voting.
March 4, 2010 at 6:25 am
that is a really cool idea!
March 4, 2010 at 12:55 pm
i likey!!