a brief commercial
i’m cutting my paris pictures for now with some from the beach…
it was a company outing so i was with my colleagues and bosses. it turned out a lot better than i had expected, even though it was raining practically the whole weekend we were there. we played games nonstop and people ended up bruised or wounded or just passed out on the sand. one of our cameramen now needs a cast for his foot because he fractured it playing a relay game. haha.
anyway… i’m not a huge fan of the beach but coming up with outfits for the trip was soo much easier than, well, any other day. but i guess that’s pretty much a given.
i’ve recently been having difficulty picking out decent outfits for work. everything i’ve worn in the last month has been rather dull and sad. i’ve been taking some outfit pics but i’m having second thoughts about posting them here.\=
anyway, more paris photos to follow soon!
and then some from rome. ♥