it’s the hat, the hat
haven’t you just always wanted to go to Paris (if you don’t already live there, that is)? i think it’s pretty much a given on your places-i-want-to-visit-before-i-die list. or maybe i’m just too assuming. hmm. haha.
anyway, i took a couple weeks off from work and went with my mom to le dream destination… and loved every second of it.
the only sort of “let down” was the lack of, er, stylish people around. don’t get me wrong, Parisians are lovely dressers. really.(: but i guess i was expecting to see amazing, mind-blowing, oh-my-gosh-i-want-to-steal-that-look, outfits every couple of minutes, and i didn’t really get that. the whole time i was just dying to see someone with an outfit worth taking a picture of (so i could try my hand at being the sartorialist-a)… but no such luck. i dunno, maybe i was looking in the wrong places.
in the end, i just settled for my own clothes; my own pictures. and i’m sorry to say that you’ll have to settle for them, too.
(arrival at the Charles de Gaulle airport and cab ride to the hotel)
yellow coat – thrifted
scarf – girodano
knee-highs – from korea
boots – thrifted
hat (of love) – local store, i don’t remember the name
i would never be able to wear this hat in Manila. makes me love Paris even more!
May 12, 2009 at 7:49 am
Oh I do love that hat, great to see you in an outfit – yeah!
May 12, 2009 at 4:46 pm
now that is something i want to steal.
OMG that is to die for
May 14, 2009 at 12:09 pm
You’re back! YES! I have missed you and your refreshing outfit posts! Quite a feat from a sea of all-black bloggers (guilty me!)
And because of you, I wanna go to Paris too! As in…now!
May 16, 2009 at 12:13 am
I do love that hat, great to see you in an outfit – yeah!